What is leadership?

This is a question I am often asked. There are many definitions  and I like to define leadership as a way we show up, especially through challenging times. So, for me leadership is not a title, it’s a behaviour. Nor is leadership confined to the C suite. We can all be leaders in every aspect of our lives. Put simply, leadership is how we show up in any given situation. Think about when you walk into the office in the morning, or when you walk through your front door at the end of the day. Do you show your best self? Do you inspire those around you with your presence or do you depress them with your moody behaviour?

One senior manager I coached had a reputation for being extremely moody and bad tempered especially in the mornings. His team had learned not to approach him until midday when his bad mood had hopefully subsided. In fact, they were quite frightened of him. When I asked him about his behaviour, his response was, ‘that’s just the way I am, I’m just not a morning person’. When I went on to ask him what impact he thought his behaviour had on the overall mood of his team, he admitted that they would stay clear of him and keep their heads down. I didn’t really need to ask him the next question which was, what impact that was likely to have on the level of motivation and creativity of his team. At that point the penny dropped for him.

Behaviour begets behaviour. In other words, the way we behave with others is likely to be the way others behave with us. Effective leaders create psychological safety for their team. Why? When people feel safe to feel vulnerable, they are far more likely to show their creativity and innovation. They are far more likely to express their thoughts and ideas, rather than being afraid of receiving criticism for their offerings. When people feel safe in their working environment they’ll generally turn in higher quality work and feel good about themselves in the process. Equally, when people feel good about the company and the people they work with,  job satisfaction rises as does employee retention. When people feel good about themselves, they’ll usually treat their customers and colleagues well.

The impact that leadership has on the organisation’s overall success is generally misunderstood. 

“Leadership is the major factor that makes everything work together seamlessly; without leadership, all other business resources are ineffective” The CEO Institute

Leadership is not a title, it’s a behaviour.